That was Wednesday's ball practice, now onto Thursday. Jori was nervous and got a little frustrated when they were warming up b/c she missed every single ball thrown to her. It was a combination of both girls' throwing - but there were tears. She didn't make eye contact with me, so she must have got rid of them quickly. The coach worked with Jori and helped her feel better, and he worked with the other girl, too. I am not sure who is new on this team, but I think it's Jori and another girl. The rest of the parents and children all knew each other. Hopefully, someday it'll be like that for Jori and I. Some of the girls are almost 11, but their birthday falls at age 10 on January 1st - I got the feeling the parents wanted their girls in 12U. Oh well. Our first game is Thursday!!
Enough about softball. GEEZ. You'd think I was a proud parent or something. Things are good for me. As you can tell, I'm busy driving around JoJo, and I decided yesterday that I'll start running when Jori does fast-pitch practices. I don't need to be there... I'll still help on Jeff's team practices. Running would be good for me and I really have been missing it. I'm getting very excited about summer and riding our bikes, camping, swimming and gardening. Speaking of gardening, I got a new bush this week. Chris is so cute, and I love him so much. I found him Wednesday after work sleeping on my couch; he'd just planted a Burning Bush in my front yard. It's so cute and it looks very good where it is. This fall I'll have to get pictures as it turns red.
Now, this is the best part of this blog. I actually had to call Jori back to the car this morning after dropping her off. She was walking to the door and I happened to take inventory of what she was wearing: Red capri sweats, long sleeve red shirt, aqua-ish tee, yellow softball hat, and her socks pulled up to her knees. WOW. It was so cute and all I could think about was capturing the moment to share and where are Geranimals now??