Friday, July 27, 2012


Tuesday ECFE playdates were always more fun when Jori could make it! Not only did Hank like having her around, but the other babes did, too!

This was our last playdate at Allison and Elise's house. There was a water table, a pool and Elise's super cool birthday car! Hopefully, Jori, Hank and I can visit on a weekend and go for a spin!

Wednesday, July 25, 2012

Our First Summer

As I begin to land from my year off flight, I'm still enjoying the pleasures of my children and our town. Henry, Jori and I hit up the aquarium yesterday and this time Henry only wanted to be carried by his sister. At one point, he got so excited by the fish and sharks, he screamed out in glee and was pointing around.

I'm very fortunate to have had this time to connect and grow with Hank, but also to be home this summer with Jori. Though her and I would spend each and every day at the beach if we could, we know this time has been priceless.

I love my children, love my husband and love this incredible time in my life.

Wednesday, July 11, 2012


On our staycation! This is the MOA aquarium where Hank really liked looking at the sharks, jellyfish, a girl with an owl on her shirt,  sister, and stingrays. It turned out soooooo well, we'll be back for sure.