Tuesday, October 04, 2011


I've been waiting to get Henry into the stroller and on walks. The weather is incredible, especially for October! We ventured out today while he was sleeping and picked up some board books. Oh what memories it was to find Maisy and other characters that I haven't read in so very long. Henry woke up in the library and wasn't so sure about the stroller, but when we started moving again down the sidewalk towards home, he fell asleep and looked happy to me. I know I was happy. Arlington is gorgeous. Matter of fact, everywhere you look the colors are changing and this year it feels like it's happening in slow motion.


Swanhouse said...

Hope it went well... I hear your weather's been gorgeous. It sounds as if maybe the visit was interrupted?

jeanniegirl said...

my phone submitted the post a little too early. we miss you gramps!!

Swanhouse said...

Oh how very handsome and cute he looks. I wish I was there to read to him!