Friday, August 05, 2011

Baby Time

I decided I should start posting now and get into the habit before "Cletus" arrives. (Then I can come up with a new blog name, too?!) Today I am 40w1d, dialated to 4cm, 80% effaced, and my cervix is prime for having this big, baby boy! I keep saying he's going to come out with chest hair and look like a man if he waits any longer...

Chris and I are ready for the baby - as ready as anyone could possibly be. I have packed and repacked my overnight bag. I've been meditating each day and seem to have the HypnoBirthing rainbow relaxation down nicely. I think Chris and I will be able to deliver this baby in the most amazing, calm way. We sure are going to try!

Speaking of babies - this is Emma Bennett,
my little second cousin. She is so adorable!!
I love her so much and cannot wait to watch her and Cletus grow up together like Courtney and Chris did. And what's awesome is Emma lives under a mile away by the lake so we can see each other whenever we want!

Chris is really starting to get the hang of this baby thing!

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